Media: Coverage

Title Coverage Description Date
Adani row Journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta mentioned in Hindenburg report speaks up Interviewed

जनसत्ता से बात करते हुए Paranjoy Guha Thakurta ने बताया कि पहले उनके ख‍िलाफ कई गैर जमानती वारंट जारी हुए थे।

How journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta gave Adani a tough time Featured

The magazine might have got compromised but Paranjoy did not bow down to the pressure, and in a result Pranjoy lost his job.

Biography of Asia’s richest man Gautam Adani is out. Only 20 show up at book launch Mentioned

One of the few guests present at the book discussion, investigative journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, too pointed out the low turnout. “This hall can accommodate more than 200-odd people but as you can see, there are barely 20 present,” he told ThePrint after the event.