Sangram - song and lyrics by Janta Radio, Vedi Sinha, Pakhi Sinha

The song is structured like a conversation between two individuals on the grit and the passion to struggle for the search for truth and justice. We have won this fight; we've won back our dignity We've defeated them at their own game and their deceptive politics As the fields sing of love And the farmer brings forth the truth We will continue to defeat them at their own game, we will defeat their deceptive politics We have won this fight, we've won back our dignity We've defeated them at their own game and their deceptive politics Yes, the war is far from over There is lie and corruption in the air, everywhere, But I am right here And you are right here as well And together we are committed to bring forth the truth We have won this fight; we've won back our dignity And we will continue to defeat them at their own game and their deceptive politics As we walk the path of truth steadily, Even as they (the government) try to break our spirit, I am ready And you are ready (To climb the carriage of love, and roar the truth as a people, To speak the truth, to speak of love.) We have won this fight; we’ve won back our dignity And we will continue to defeat them at their own game and their deceptive politics CREDITS: Lyrics: Vedi Sinha Sung by: Vedi Sinha & Pakhi Sinha Music: Anirban Ghosh Production: Paranjoy Guha Thakurta Newsclick Camera: Aditi Sharma Chandan Singh Dipesh Dutt Mohit Kumar Saurav Singh Trina Shankar Production and Editing: Trina Shankar Footage: Newsclick Manu Kaushik NDTV Al Jazeera The Guardian Videoblocks Newslaundry
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