"From Bewilderment to Hard Truth" Let the Debate begin

* Can we bid the Covid pandemic with a Good Bye, right now....

* Obscene profit and infinite greed of corporate Vaccine giants will wane off so easily.....

* Will the vaccination drive for the marginal masses of undeveloped countries get the required pace or New waves via mutated strains are planned to be invited for.....

* Role of mass media-- at all beyond questions?

* Can people return shortly from the already set neo- normal mode of life.... " From Bewilderment to Hard Truth ".... Let the Debate begin ...


1. Prof Jayati Ghosh, Development Economist, Chairperson of the Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, JNU, NewDelhi.

2.Prof Partha P Majumder, Founder Director, NIBMG,Kalyani.

3. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Eminent Journalist.

4.Prof Jayaprakash Muliyil, Chairman,National Institute of Epidemiology and Advisor, Union Govt National Covid task force.

5. Prof Dr Amitabha Nandi, EX Prof,

STM Moderators:-Prof Dr Arun Singh & Prof Dr Anup Roy