Can you take it Paranjoy Guha Thakurta?

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta speaks to Madhu Trehan about the Fourth Estate being the real estate, paid news, media oligopolies, the journalist-extortionist, Karti Chidambaram and the IT Act, the intolerant minority, and shares a revelation about Naveen Jindal and Zee's Sudhir Chaudhary.

Featured Book: As Author
Media Ethics
Truth, Fairness and Objectivity
Pegasus Deposition

Link of the recording of the 70-minute deposition on 14 February 2022 by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta to the Supreme Court-appointed committee headed by Justice (retired) R V Raveendran on allegations of misuse of the Israeli Pegasus spyware on Indian citizens: