বিজেপির জয়রথ আটকানো সম্ভব? |
Shinde pressurised to dole out Dharavi project to Adani? This could cost BJP in Maharashtra? |
Unemployment and Under-employment of India’s Youth |
Haryana और J&K चुनाव नतीजों के मायने |
২০২৬ বিধানসভা নির্বাচনে বড় ধাক্কা খাবে তৃণমূল| পরঞ্জয় গুহ ঠাকুরতার মুখোমুখি জহর সরকার | |
Lok Sabha Election 2024: Paranjoy Guha Thakurta बता रहे हैं क्या रहेगा NDA और I.N.D.I.A का हाल |
Credibility of Election Commission of India has taken a huge blow | Paranjoy Guha Thakurta |
“BJP won't get 303 seats this time. 400 paar is impossible": Paranjoy Guha Thakurta | Elections 2024 |
কোনো পৰিস্থিতিতে NDAই ২০১৯ৰ সমান আসন লাভৰ সম্ভাৱনা নাই: পৰাঞ্জয় গুহ ঠাকুৰতা |
Lens on New India |
Kejriwal’s Arrest Imminent? Is AAP a Threat for BJP in its North Conquest ?Lok Sabha Elections 2024 |
Electoral Bond: দেশের ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে বড় দুর্নীতি, ফাঁস ভয়াবহ তথ্য । বাংলা যা ভাবছে -56 |
কেন শোচনীয় পরাজয় কংগ্রেসের: পরঞ্জয় গুহঠাকুরতা |
Rajasthan में Congress और BJP के बीच नज़दीकी मुकाबला: Ashish Ranjan |
Congress Has an Edge over BJP in Madhya Pradesh's Bipolar Polity: Ashish Ranjan |
Opposition Conclave at Bangalore Targets বিরোধী কনক্লেভের লক্ষ্য কী ব্যাঙ্গালোরে? |
Impact of Karnataka Election Results on National Politics: Congress should shun euphoria |
तैयार हो जाइये, आने वाले हैं सबसे बुरे दिन ! |
REVIEW: Battle ahead |
India's Passage to Despotism |
A Vibrant, Robust and United Opposition is Needed to Strengthen Indian Democracy |
How top Meta executive Shivnath Thukral has links with a firm that works for Modi and BJP |
How Legal Loopholes and Facebook's Policies Helped India's BJP in Elections |
In BJP's Election Campaign, Facebook Was heavily Used, Rules Were Ignored |
Will Uttar Pradesh show India the way forward? |
The Samajwadi Party's Social Coalition Seems to be Stronger Than That of the BJP |
Deep Rot Within Facebook/Meta: What can be Done? |
দিল্লিতে মমতা |
BJP Has Poisoned the Well in Bengal |
Two Emergencies |
Are the Yeddy Diaries Forged? |
Why the Bihar defeat will force the BJP to become more like the Congress |
Debate: Advani dares the govt - 2 |
Debate: Advani dares the govt - 1 |
Post-big-bang BJP |
NDTV III: Targeted by the BJP? |