New IT Rules Are Draconian: Former CEO, Prasar Bharati

The new Information Technology rules are not merely an instance of overkill by the government and a possibly illegal extension of the executive's power to control social media and digital video streaming platforms. The rules would sow the seeds of curbing dissenting voices in the news media, says Jawhar Sircar, former Secretary, Culture and CEO, Prasar Bharati Corporation, in an exclusive interview with Newsclick.

Featured Book: As Author
The Real Face of Facebook in India
How Social Media Have Become a Weapon and Dissemninator of Disinformation and Falsehood
  • Authorship: Cyril Sam and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
  • Publisher: Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
  • 214 pages
  • Published month:
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Pegasus Deposition

Link of the recording of the 70-minute deposition on 14 February 2022 by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta to the Supreme Court-appointed committee headed by Justice (retired) R V Raveendran on allegations of misuse of the Israeli Pegasus spyware on Indian citizens: